Archive for January 4th, 2011

January 4, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions 2011

It is simplistic and overly negative to say that 2010 was an annus horribilus for me. And for my family. As I have documented in this blog and elsewhere, 2010 was a year of significant losses, but it was also a year with some significant positives. I guess nothing is all black and all white. Good things can come from even the most negative circumstances.

Well all of that notwithstanding, I am not at all sorry to see the backside of 2010. Good riddance. I welcome 2011 and the chance to draw new pictures on a clean slate. I have thought a lot about the meaning of the turning of the year and I have some definite goals and resolutions and some heartfelt hopes and wishes for this new year.

As much as I have contemplated my resolutions, I have also thought about whether these should be public or private resolutions. Now, why would I spend so much energy wondering about this? Am I afraid to publicly commit and risk public failure if I cannot hold to my resolutions? Is it just an innate desire for privacy around ideas which matter deeply to me? If I were such a private person, would I write a blog? Is that a contradiction which gives the lie to a desire for privacy? Why not publicly commit to goals which should be meaningful enough to me that I will strive to fulfill them even if they are difficult or subject to backsliding?

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